Thursday, June 9, 2011

Childhood Dreams: Right Field, Headlocks, and Painting...With a Cherry On Top. still read this?

I don't know why.  This blogger doesn't update very often.  And I don't know why, either.  I got great responses to my first couple blog posts.  Let's try again!

My third graph is a bar graph representing my childhood dreams and how well I have done accomplishing them.   
 (side note: I wonder what this graph represents???  My guess? Sadistic Pre-pubescent Paintball Players per Canadian City)

My first of four childhood dreams has gone "the way of the pony" according to the book.  (btw I never wanted a pony.)  When I was in elementary school, I wanted to be a professional baseball player.  The interesting thing was that I was never that good.  I was a perennial right fielder, until all the good kids were called up to the more advanced league.  Then, I was a big fish in a small pond.  I was playing with kids a year or two younger than me.  I was awesome!  I played every position.  I was a lead off hitter.  (Those of you who know me personally know how speedy I am, right?!?!?!)  When I finally got up to the bigger leagues though?  Back to right field.  I finally quit baseball in middle school to focus on being a rock star.

I am still quite optimistic about my next childhood dream.   Check it out:

I was so close to eating a giant sundae one when I was about 6.  My brother and mom put the kibosh on that though.  I still don't see what the big deal is.  I was gonna share with my nephew.  I think he was 3 at the time.  Someday I will eat a giant sundae...

My next dream also has been abandoned.  When I was little I planned on being an artist and opening up a studio with my brother-in-law Doug (if he was still alive).

I gave up on this one when I realized I suck at drawing, painting, sculpting...really anything that involves art.  I can barely stay in the line while coloring with my daughter.  Doug is really talented though.  Maybe we could still do some kind of musical/artistic studio where people will pay us to draw/play music/talk about fantasy football.

My last childhood dream?  Check this out:

You may think I have also given up on my last childhood dream. 

"Oh yeah, Davie.  You definitely are not a wrestling champion." 

Oh really?  This is the only one of my dreams for which I believe I have reached my full potential.  I am the undefeated reigning heavyweight champion of the entire Havenstein family.  My first matches were against Philipp on my bunk beds when we were little.  You  may not recognize me now cause at that time I was wrestling under the name Tsunami.  Later, I wreaked havoc on a Carnival cruise ship.  Again, unrecognizable because of the Luchador mask I was known to wear at that time.  Most recently, I have had a series of battles with my wife Shanna.  I know, I know, she's a girl.  But she can throw some hard elbows and pinch like hell.